Growth and productivity of potato as influenced by cultivar and reproductive growth: II. Growth analysis, tuber yield and quality

T Tekalign, PS Hammes - Scientia horticulturae, 2005 - Elsevier
tuber mass and tuber number without affecting the unmarketable component. Cultivars varied
with respect to tuber yield, tuberPotato plant during generative growth phase, depending

Evaluation of the effect of density on potato yield and tuber size distribution

AJ Bussan, PD Mitchell, ME Copas, MJ Drilias - Crop science, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
… The average weight of B-sized tubers was 84 g as … based on plant, stem, and tuber density
than linear regression … to variability in plant establishment in response to mechanical planting. …

The physiology of growth and tuber yield

J Moorby - The potato crop: the scientific basis for improvement, 1978 - Springer
… solution supplied to tubers planted in Perlite increased the … stolons formed the greatest
proportion of the total dry weight of … A full understanding of tuber formation is probably dependent

Tuber quality

JC Stark, SL Love, NR Knowles - Potato production systems, 2020 - Springer
Tuber solids make up about 20% of tuber fresh weight, comprised … , can increase plant water
stress and reduce tuber quality. … formed during photosynthesis is translocated to the tubers

Tuber formation in potato: induction, initiation, and growth

EE Ewing, PC Struik - Horticultural reviews, 1992 -
based upon microtubers, minitubers, seedling tubers, or … of the plant when it becomes capable
of forming tubers, it is … and the weight required in the presence of the tuber. Measurements …

Tuber quality

D Gray, JC Hughes - The potato crop: the scientific basis for improvement, 1978 - Springer
… possible to grow crops having the desired quality. For other … Greening of tubers as a result
of chlorophyll formation in the … the yield of product is greater per unit fresh weight from tubers

[PDF][PDF] Influence of plant population and seed tuber size on growth and yield components of potato (Solanum tuberosum)

MT Masarirambi, FC Mandisodza… - Int. J. Agric …, 2012 -
… in Zimbabwe but the seeding rate is based on a weight of approximately 2 tons/ha of seed
potato … influenced the number of potato tubers formed at 30 DAE (Table IV). Number of …

Effects of weight and planting density of tubers derived from true potato seed on growth and yield of potato crops in Egypt. 1. Sprout growth, field emergence and …

C Engels, RE Bedewy, B Sattelmacher - Field Crops Research, 1993 - Elsevier
… Seed-tuber weight may affect tuber yield via the number of … cepted light into tuber yield, in
turn, is dependent on temperature … stem formation, ie, stem number per g seedling-tuber weight

Yield formation and quality characteristics of early potatoes during a short growing period

L Mustonen - 2004 -
… The range of nitrate content in tubers fluctuated between 13 and 189 mg kg-1 fresh weight
… set according to the potential yield of the crop and the intended harvest date. Tuber quality is …

Dependence of the yield and quality of potato tubers in the forest-steppe zone of Southern Urals on the level of mineral nutrition and planting density

AA Vasilyev - Russian Agricultural Sciences, 2014 - Springer
… the formation of potato yield under conditions of the South ern Urals has been studied
depending on variety and density of planting. … and mean weight of tubers in a nest (Table 3). The …