Changes in quality and biochemical parameters in 'Idared'apples during prolonged shelf life and 1-MCP treatment

J Bizjak, A Slatnar, F Stampar… - Food science and …, 2012 -
… this study, changes in quality and various biochemical parameters of ‘Idared’ apples
during … Before our research, the apples were stored for 6 months in ultra-low oxygen (ULO) …

[HTML][HTML] Changes in the biochemical composition and physicochemical properties of apples stored in controlled atmosphere conditions

A Butkeviciute, J Viskelis, P Viskelis, M Liaudanskas… - Applied Sciences, 2021 -
… acidity) of apples grown in Lithuania when storing them in a … The physical and organoleptic
parameters of apples stored … with apples for a longer period of time, minimizing changes in …

[PDF][PDF] Influence of storage duration on physico-chemical changes in fruit of apple cultivars.

I Jan, A Rab - 2012 -
apple fruit lose considerable moisture during storage, its density tends to decrease during
storage. … Relationship between physical and biochemical parameters in apple softening. Acta …

Physiological and anatomical comparison between four different apple cultivars under cold-storage conditions

SAM Ghafir - Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 2009 -
… All studied parameters of four apple cultivars reduced during cold-storage periods. The …
anatomical differences in apples between selected cultivars under cold storage conditions. …

A comprehensive study on the main physiological and biochemical changes occurring during growth and on-tree ripening of two apple varieties with different …

J Giné-Bordonaba, G Echeverria, E Duaigües… - … and Biochemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
… incidence between ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Early Red One’ apples upon storage are triggered
by specific biochemical and metabolic changes occurring during on-tree growth and ripening. …

Microbiological and biochemical stability of fresh-cut apples preserved by modified atmosphere packaging

RC Soliva-Fortuny, P Elez-Martı́nez… - Innovative Food Science …, 2004 - Elsevier
… The microbial shelf life of fresh-cut Golden Delicious apples was assessed throughout storage
during the first weeks of storage for all the studied conditions mostly due to the increase in …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of salicylic acid treatments on quality characteristics of apple fruits during storage

AFD Storage - American Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011 -
… content and firmness during 5 months storage (Solaimani et al., … on the quality and storage
life of apple fruit during storage. … an experiment orchard at the apple Research lnstitute of lran (…

Physico-chemical quality parameters and overall quality index of apple during storage

SN Jha, DR Rai, R Shrama - Journal of food Science and technology, 2012 - Springer
… computed by model 5, however, yielded gradual changes in quality index as compared
to any other model and was comprised of both physical as well as biochemical parameters. …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of maturity stages and postharvest treatments on physical properties of apple during storage

SA Ganai, H Ahsan, A Tak, MA Mir, AH Rather… - Journal of the Saudi …, 2018 - Elsevier
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of harvest dates and postharvest
treatments on physical properties of apple cv Red delicious during storage. Fruits from three …

[HTML][HTML] Estimate of respiration rate and physicochemical changes of fresh-cut apples stored under different temperatures

C Fagundes, BAM Carciofi… - Food Science and …, 2013 - SciELO Brasil
… O 2 consumption and CO 2 production rate values were used to evaluate the factors affecting
the RQ of fresh-cut apples evaluated in this study during the storage period. The RQ values