[PDF][PDF] Preparing accounting information on costs for manufactured crop production

EP Polikarpova, IE Mizikovskiy - Custos e …, 2018 - custoseagronegocioonline.com.br
… Often, modern accounting practices are conducted to determine the tax base, rather than
providing … crop, a real total amount of production costs is formed. The proposed cost accounting

[PDF][PDF] Case study of the accounting policy formation at agricultural holdings in Lithuania

D Jatkūnaitė, L Martirosianienė, N Stončiuvienė - Economics and Rural …, 2006 - vdu.lt
… Analyzing the formation of inventory accounting policy at agricultural holdings we were
interested what expenses related to inventory acquisition were included into the cost of inventory …

Accounting Policies Regarding The Cost Accounting Of Agricultural Enterprises Production Units

II BABICH, AA DATSIUK - Облiк i фiнанси, 2020 - elibrary.ru
accounting policies also information related to ensuring control of production costs, the
formation of the cost … Thus, when choosing elements of accounting policies, one should focus not …

Principle-based agricultural business accounting policy formation

N Stonciuviene, D Zinkeviciene… - Business Challenges in …, 2016 - Springer
… Therefore, to avoid the asymmetry of information and reduce representation costs, it is
appropriate to shape accounting policies by employing the signalling theory. The idea of this …

Characteristic features of the formation of accounting policies of agricultural enterprises

V Pasenko, N Brazilii, Y Pasternak - Збірник наукових праць …, 2024 - er.chdtu.edu.ua
… , it will be possible to substantiate the value of production costs, the amount of accrued
depreciation, confirm the reasonableness of the expenses incurred and prove their legality to any …

Accounting for transactions costs of agricultural producers in the shadow economy

V Mukoviz, L Leshchii, O Khodakivska… - Agricultural and …, 2022 - ageconsearch.umn.edu
… of agricultural producers, in particular, the peculiarities of accounting for transaction costs
are recommended to be taken into consideration when forming the accounting policy of the …

Considering cost accountancy items in crop production simulations under climate change

T Münch, M Berg, W Mirschel, R Wieland… - European Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
… If a changing climate affects yield formation, it simultaneously affects agronomic … crop
protection), which incur costs. Farmers almost always decide on alternative management strategies

[HTML][HTML] Accounting features in production of organic agricultural products

I Ya - Sciences of Europe, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
… Some issues of the formation of management information on organic production are … The
proposed components of accounting policies for organic production costs will allow them to be …

Methodical Aspects of the Decomposition Approach to the Formation of the Managerial Cost Accounting System in the Organizations of the Russian Agroindustrial …

V GOVDYA, I KHROMOVA - Journal of Applied Economic …, 2018 - search.ebscohost.com
… management of agricultural production costs, accurate and operative prime cost formation
requires applying a decomposition approach to build a management accounting system by …

Crop Production Cost Accounting Audit

EE Golova, IV Baranova… - … Proceedings of Social …, 2021 - europeanproceedings.com
… templates take into account the specifics of cost formation in crop production. In addition,
the existing regulatory documents require standards developed by the audit firm, which saves …