Categories, concepts, and conceptual development

VM Sloutsky, W Deng - Language, cognition and neuroscience, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
… For example, cats is a more abstract class than an individual (eg my cat Fluffy), … classification
tasks may underestimate children’s concepts (the fact that a child may put together a dog

Concept structure and category boundaries

BC Malt - Psychology of Learning and Motivation, 1993 - Elsevier
… creature a cat but another furry, four-legged one a dog? Why do … Clearly, the concepts dog
and cat, and the concepts stool … The second issue is how to reconcile the actual classification

Concepts and categories

BH Ross, TL Spalding - Thinking and problem solving, 1994 - Elsevier
… distinction between classification and other uses of concepts. … of classification and also of
how the classification might be … the classification models, we begin by defining concepts and …

Classification of fractures of long bones in the dog and cat: introduction and clinical application

M Unger, PM Montavon… - Veterinary and …, 1990 -
… practical for most fractures of long bones in cats and dogs. The human classification was
modified … The basic concept of the alphanumerical coding system, considering the localisation, …

Dog and cat classification with deep residual network

YY chen - Proceedings of the 2020 European symposium on …, 2020 -
dog and cat in different situations,so we made a special dataset for the classification of dogs
and cats, … we randomly choose 15 cat and 15 dog breeds from Egypt cats, British shorthair, …

A diagnostic classification of problem behavior in dogs and cats

JSJ Odendaal - Veterinary Clinics: Small Animal Practice, 1997 -
… so, to make the classification a useful tool for behavior therapy in practice to benefit the client
during veterinarian-client communication by using concepts that have similar meanings in …

Hierarchical structure in concepts and the basic level of categorization

GL Murphy, ME Lassaline - Knowledge Concepts and Categories, 2013 -
… there are cats. Therefore, classification at the most general level maximizes accuracy of …
(For the sake of exposition, we will refer to the category level of dog, bird, cat, etc. as the basic …

[PDF][PDF] Cats rule and dogs drool!: Classifying stance in online debate

P Anand, M Walker, R Abbott, JEF Tree… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 -
… We examine stance classification on a corpus of 4873 posts across 14 topics on,
ranging from the playful to the ideological. We show that ideological debates feature a …

[HTML][HTML] English dog expressions: Categorisation, structure, attitude, semantic molecules, and translatability into Arabic

M Farghal, AS Haider - Training, Language and Culture, 2023 -
… English dog expressions qualifies the conceptual metaphor … , It's raining cats and dogs does
not refer to actual cats and dogs … OX, leading to not only a classification of these animals in a …

DOG and CAT proverbs: Cognitive operations and cultural constraints

H Lai, HL Hsu - Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 2024 -
… to analyze how dogs and cats are employed for creating proverb concepts in different …
This classification model is considered feasible for analyzing data in both Taiwan Hakka …