The rule of law

L Bingham - The Cambridge Law Journal, 2007 -
… the existing constitutional principle of the rule of law’’or ‘‘the Lord Chancellor’s existing
constitutional role in relation to that principle’’. This provision, the Attorney-General has suggested…

The rule of law as a law of rules

A Scalia - Precedents, Statutes, and Analysis of Legal Concepts, 2013 -
general principles is an essential component of the judicial … to undertake uninvited judicial
enforcement of the principle (never … That is a general principle clear in itself, and there can be …

Reconsidering the rule of law

MJ Radin - The Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers, 2017 -
… and the rule of law."It is this claim about the underlying ideal of the Rule of Law that prompts
me … My guess is that a great number of legal observers thought the Rule of Law required the …

Rule of law: what does it mean

R Stein - Minn. J. Int'l L., 2009 - HeinOnline
… as fundamental." First, she asserted that "[t]he Rule of Law requires that legal rules be …
The separation of powers is "essential in maintaining the Rule of Law" in large part because …

Rules and the Rule of Law

F Schauer - Harv. JL & Pub. Pol'y, 1991 - HeinOnline
… meta-principle allowing a legal principle to trump a legal rule. … law from the beginning
incorporated all the principles we would ever want in a legal system, or the set of legal principles

The rule of law and its virtue

J Raz - The rule of law and the separation of powers, 2017 -
… the legal sense and with the conception of the rule of law which … ceivable that law can consist
only of general rules and it is … by laws and my men, so we need both general and particular …

The rule of law revival

T Carothers - Foreign Aff., 1998 - HeinOnline
… have rewritten constitutions and laws and initiated key changes in their legal institutions.
Many government officials have begun accepting the law's authority and respecting judicial

The rule of law as a concept in constitutional discourse

RH Fallon Jr - Colum. L. Rev., 1997 - HeinOnline
… Moreover, the defining elements of the Rule of Lawlegal standard may be less capable
of effectively guiding conduct than a clear rule,3 6 but a judicial decision replacing a standard

Principles of the Rule of Law

RS Summers - Notre Dame L. Rev., 1998 - HeinOnline
The principles of the rule of law,'as recognized in developed Western systems, generally
include the familiar requirements that law be rule-like so far as appropriate, that it be dear, that it …

The rule of law and its limits

A Marmor - Law & Phil., 2004 - HeinOnline
… , we are not indifferent to the question of who are the norm-subjects of a given legal rule. …
main virtues of the rule of law consists in the value that we attach to the predictability of the legal