[КНИГА][B] Studies in the Pragmatics of Discourse

TA Dijk - 2010 - books.google.com
… linguistic pragmatics is possible and necessary, real understanding of its basic concepts
We may conclude from this brief sketch that a text grammar with a pragmatic component is a …

[PDF][PDF] Context theory and the foundation of pragmatics

TA Van Dijk - Studies in Pragmatics, 2008 - pragmatics.gr.jp
… between pragmatics and our new theory of context. Our argument will be that pragmatics
needs an … is not so much defined by a coherent theory of basic concepts, but rather by a rather …

A Brief Overview of Pragmatics: Language in Context

K Feruza - American Journal of Philological Sciences, 2024 - inlibrary.uz
… In conclusion, the exploration of pragmatic aspects in literary texts, guided by speech act
theory, reveals the intricate dance of meaning, intention, and response within the realm of …

The pragmatics of literary texts

L Bredella - Cooperating with written texts: The pragmatics and …, 1992 - degruyter.com
pragmatic effects of literary texts, we have to take this dialectic into account. While stressing
that the reader has to supplement what the text … say that the text creates the reader it needs. …

[PDF][PDF] The Concept of Translation and Pragmatics

NN Tolibova, SK Pulatova - Uzbekistan: Scientific reports, Bukhara …, 2021 - academia.edu
… of the aesthetic specificity of the literary text, the methodological and pragmatic features
of its material-logical, … The pragmatic task of translating such a literary text is to create a …

Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics: Their scope and relation

AJ Laura - Russian journal of linguistics, 2016 - cyberleninka.ru
… The concepts of text and discourse are explored by looking into different approaches and …
Pragmatics provides discourse analysts with important tools and basic concepts without which …

[КНИГА][B] Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics.

PR Kroeger - 2023 - library.oapen.org
… It is another foundational concept that we will refer to in many … basic concepts in set theory,
and shows how these concepts … raka, which appears in the Greek text of Matthew 5:22 (and in …

[КНИГА][B] Understanding pragmatics

G Senft - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
… a new principled approach to the major themes of pragmatics and the central topics that
have paraded under that banner. Arrayed against the familiar texts in the field, the book is more …

[КНИГА][B] Introduction to pragmatics

BJ Birner - 2012 - books.google.com
… surrounding the demarcation of the fields of semantics and pragmatics. The text goes on
to present the time-honored basic concepts of pragmatics – such as implicature, speech acts, …

[КНИГА][B] The Oxford handbook of pragmatics

Y Huang - 2017 - books.google.com
… Her scientific interests are in text linguistics, language and discourse varieties, pragmatics,
and semiotics, with a special focus on markedness and text complexity and on the pragmatic