Bullying among adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: Prevalence and perception

E Van Roekel, RHJ Scholte, R Didden - Journal of autism and …, 2010 - Springer
prevalence of bullying and victimization among adolescents with ASD, (b) whether they
correctly perceived bullying and victimization, and (c) whether Theory of Mind (ToM) and bullying

[PDF][PDF] Incidence of bullying and victimisation among adolescents in New Zealand

M Kljakovic, C Hunt, P Jose - … Zealand Journal of …, 2015 - ualresearchonline.arts.ac.uk
… for the different types of bullying amongst the three ethnic … between the three ethnic categories
in relation to average rates of bullying inside the school (F(2) = 22.26, p < 0.001), bullying

Bullying among adolescents: are the victims also perpetrators?

A Reisen, MC Viana, ET Santos-Neto - Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
… The adolescents identified as victims did not generally attack other students, ie, did not identify
themselves as perpetrators. The high prevalence of maltreatment and bullyingbullying in …

Prevalence of traditional bullying and cyberbullying among children and adolescents in Australia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

A Jadambaa, HJ Thomas, JG Scott… - Australian & New …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
… the prevalence of bullying (traditional and cyber) among Australian children and adolescents.
This study synthesised bullying prevalence studies on victimisation experiences (being …

[HTML][HTML] Bullying among adolescents and school measures to tackle it

MHB Andrade, MC Gomes… - Cadernos saúde …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
… . A study was conducted in Brazilian state capitals to describe the occurrence of bullying
among students. The prevalence rates in the cities of Recife, João Pessoa and São Paulo were …

School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal, relational, and cyber

J Wang, RJ Iannotti, TR Nansel - Journal of Adolescent health, 2009 - Elsevier
… The current study examined four forms of in-school bullying, … in prevalence of each form of
bullying among adolescents in … is among the first to examine the new form of bullying, cyber …

[HTML][HTML] Bullying and self-esteem in adolescents from public schools

CC Brito, MT Oliveira - Jornal de pediatria, 2013 - Elsevier
… In the study by Silva et al., 2 there was no statistical significance between gender and being
prevalence of bullying among male adolescents. Regarding the interaction between bullying

Global variation in the prevalence of bullying victimisation amongst adolescents: Role of peer and parental supports

T Biswas, JG Scott, K Munir, HJ Thomas… - …, 2020 - thelancet.com
Bullying victimisation is a global public health problem that has been … level prevalence of
bullying victimisation and its association with peer and parental supports amongst adolescents

A cross-national profile of bullying and victimization among adolescents in 40 countries

…, HBSC Bullying Writing Group - International journal of …, 2009 - Springer
bullying and being bullied. This goal of this paper is to compare contemporary estimates of
the prevalence of bullying and victimization among adolescents … specific subtypes of bullying. …

Prevalence, correlates, and experiences of school bullying among adolescents: A national study in Jordan

G Shahrour, LA Dardas, A Al-Khayat… - School psychology …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
… that the prevalence of bullying among Jordanian adolescents is consistent with international
studies. Bullying victimization among 6th to 10th grade American adolescents ranged from …