Assessment of the electric power system power losses taking into account the passive parameters of transformers
V Arakelyan - SworldJournal, 2022 -
V Arakelyan
SworldJournal, 2022•… Assessment of power losses in the electric power system, taking into account the passive
parameters of transformers. Calculate the losses of active and reactive power, evaluate the
change in power losses due to the longitudinal and transverse passive parameters of the
transformer … Description of the research methodology: Taking into account different types of
modeling of transformers of modern electric power systems, the complexity of network
schemes, matrix theory, numerical methods for solving system mode equations, new formulae …
parameters of transformers. Calculate the losses of active and reactive power, evaluate the
change in power losses due to the longitudinal and transverse passive parameters of the
transformer … Description of the research methodology: Taking into account different types of
modeling of transformers of modern electric power systems, the complexity of network
schemes, matrix theory, numerical methods for solving system mode equations, new formulae …
Introductory speech on the research topic: When studying the modes of electric power systems, the parameters of the mode and scheme are distinguished. Schema parameters refer to generic network parameters. Generalized parameters of the electrical network
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