Cognitive functioning and heat strain: performance responses and protective strategies
C Schmit, C Hausswirth, Y Le Meur, R Duffield - Sports Medicine, 2017 - Springer
… in the heat, many activities require high cognitive functioning for optimal performance (ie
decision making) and/or health purposes (ie injury risk). Prolonged periods of demanding …
decision making) and/or health purposes (ie injury risk). Prolonged periods of demanding …
Effects of heat strain on cognitive function among a sample of miners
… Heat stress is associated with workplace injuries, likely through a combination of fatigue,
reduced cognitive function, and thermal … each participant's risk for heat illness and to exclude …
reduced cognitive function, and thermal … each participant's risk for heat illness and to exclude …
Heat therapy: possible benefits for cognitive function and the aging brain
AT Von Schulze, F Deng, JK Morris… - Journal of Applied …, 2020 -
… on the role of heat therapy in the treatment and prevention of AD. Heat therapy has been
independently shown to reduce whole body insulin resistance, improve vascular function, …
independently shown to reduce whole body insulin resistance, improve vascular function, …
Effects of heat stress on cognitive performance: the current state of knowledge
PA Hancock, I Vasmatzidis - International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
… of cognitive tasks, such as simple mental tasks, dual tasks and more complex cognitive tasks.
… zone of maximal adaptability) into life-threatening circumstances (heat stroke for example). …
… zone of maximal adaptability) into life-threatening circumstances (heat stroke for example). …
Effects of passive heat stress and recovery on human cognitive function: An ERP study
H Nakata, R Kakigi, M Shibasaki - Plos one, 2021 -
… heat exhaustion involving faintness, dizziness, and headache are subjectively related to
declines in the cognitive function… performance tests, tracking or cognitive/skilled tasks, as well as …
declines in the cognitive function… performance tests, tracking or cognitive/skilled tasks, as well as …
The effects of heat exposure during intermittent exercise on physical and cognitive performance among team sport athletes
K Donnan, EL Williams… - Perceptual and Motor …, 2021 -
… cognitive functioning would be impaired in response to exercise-induced fatigue, which
would be exacerbated by increased heat … the point of volitional exhaustion. We also recorded …
would be exacerbated by increased heat … the point of volitional exhaustion. We also recorded …
Thermal injury lowers the threshold for radiation-induced neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction
JD Cherry, JP Williams, MK O'Banion… - Radiation …, 2013 -
… injuries affect the central nervous system (CNS) in terms of both pathology and long-term
cognitive function. … approximate area exposed to heated water during thermal injury. Great care …
cognitive function. … approximate area exposed to heated water during thermal injury. Great care …
Effects of heat stress and dehydration on cognitive function in elite female field hockey players
… the independent effects of heat stress and hypohydration on cognitive performance in elite
… to heat enhances response times and/or accuracy on a battery of cognitive function tests. …
… to heat enhances response times and/or accuracy on a battery of cognitive function tests. …
The effects of exercise-induced heat stress on cognitive function in firefighters
FM Williams-Bell, TM McLellan, BA Murphy - 2016 -
… Firefighting requires tremendous cognitive demands including … on cognitive function during
exercise-induced heat stress. … -induced heat stress (EIHS) on 76 cognitive function using core …
exercise-induced heat stress. … -induced heat stress (EIHS) on 76 cognitive function using core …
Heat stress preconditioning improves cognitive outcome after diffuse axonal injury in rats
Z Su, D Han, B Sun, J Qiu, Y Li, M Li, T Zhang… - Journal of …, 2009 -
… of heat stress preconditioning on cognitive outcome for rats with diffuse axonal injury (DAI), …
stress preconditioning protects rats with DAI from secondary impairment of cognitive function…
stress preconditioning protects rats with DAI from secondary impairment of cognitive function…
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