[PDF][PDF] Design of digital filters using genetic algorithms
SU Ahmad - 2008 - dspace.library.uvic.ca
… -form cascade filter obtained using the Remez exchange algorithm. … Analytic or simple iterative
methods usually lead to sub-… based on an elitist nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (…
methods usually lead to sub-… based on an elitist nondominated sorting genetic algorithm (…
Genetic algorithms for digital signal processing
MS White, SJ Flockton - Evolutionary Computing: AISB Workshop Leeds …, 1994 - Springer
… by IIR adaptive filters realized as cascade structures. Their re… for non-recursive digital filters
(hence non-recursive filters are … For very high orders of adaptive filter, this would require a …
(hence non-recursive filters are … For very high orders of adaptive filter, this would require a …
[PDF][PDF] Development of a method for synthesis the FIR filters with a cascade structure based on genetic algorithm
R Petrosian, V Chukhov, A Petrosian - Technology audit and production …, 2021 - zbw.eu
… on the use of elementary links of the first and second orders. … the accuracy of the digital
filter with a cascade structure. To … One of the most effective iterative methods for determining …
filter with a cascade structure. To … One of the most effective iterative methods for determining …
The design approaches of two-dimensional digital filters based on metaheuristic optimization algorithms: a review of the literature
S Kockanat, N Karaboga - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2015 - Springer
… FIR digital filter is called a 2-D non-recursive digital filter and … filter coefficients and the ordered
pair \((M_{1}, M_{2})\) is the … 2-D digital filters can be classified as direct, parallel, cascade …
pair \((M_{1}, M_{2})\) is the … 2-D digital filters can be classified as direct, parallel, cascade …
Nonlinear blind source separation using higher order statistics and a genetic algorithm
… 1 can be modeled as a cascaded instantaneous linear mixing, componentwise nonlinear …
In summary, the GA-based BSS algorithm can be implemented as the following iterative …
In summary, the GA-based BSS algorithm can be implemented as the following iterative …
Digital filter design using genetic algorithm
A Lee, M Ahmadi, GA Jullien, WC Miller… - … Advances in Digital …, 1998 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… Each of the chromosomes is a bit stream of cascaded variables (encoded filter coefficients).
… presented an iterative method to design digital FIR filter using genetic algorithm. Additional …
… presented an iterative method to design digital FIR filter using genetic algorithm. Additional …
An Efficient Design of 2-D Digital Filters Using Singular Value Decomposition and Genetic Algorithm with Canonical Signed Digit (CSD) Coefficients
B Elkarami - 2010 - scholar.uwindsor.ca
… digital filters by decomposing it into a set of 1-D digital filters in zl and z2 connected in cascade…
response IIR and Finite impulse response nonrecursive digital filters [8, 9, 10, 11, and 12]. …
response IIR and Finite impulse response nonrecursive digital filters [8, 9, 10, 11, and 12]. …
Cooperative coevolutionary genetic algorithm for digital IIR filter design
… When the specification for the digital filter is given, we first … , and the traditional iterative
algorithms are used, including … in the cascade form, as shown in (2) at the bottom of the page. …
algorithms are used, including … in the cascade form, as shown in (2) at the bottom of the page. …
The design of IIR digital filter based on chaos particle swarm optimization algorithm
Y Gao, Y Li, H Qian - … Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… algorithm in this article. The simulation results show that the precision and the iterative count
of designed IIR digital filter … IIR digit filter is expressed by the form of two orders cascade. …
of designed IIR digital filter … IIR digit filter is expressed by the form of two orders cascade. …
Optimization of finite word length coefficient IIR digital filters through genetic algorithms–a comparative study
GS Baicher - International Conference on Natural Computation, 2006 - Springer
… same error effects as for non-recursive FIR filters such as; input … Hence, in this study, 2nd
order cascades are used due to … cascade structures possible depending on the ordering of Hk(z…
order cascades are used due to … cascade structures possible depending on the ordering of Hk(z…