Distance learning of foreign languages

C White - Language teaching, 2006 - cambridge.org
… compared to earlier forms of distance language programmes. … the new populations for higher
education within South Africa. … wide audience, ranging from high-school students to senior …

[PDF][PDF] Foreign Languages Distance Learning Course Organizing at a Higher Education Institution

I Hohol - Problems of Engineer-Pedagogical Education, 2020 - jped.uipa.edu.ua
forms a central part in the system of the foreign languages distance learning of students at a
higher education institution… the foreign languages distance-learning course at a high school, …


LV Viktorova - Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2020 - researchgate.net
… Such universities are created at the higher educational institutions or public organizations. …
throughout life, and can be carried out under different conditions and in different forms (formal…

[HTML][HTML] The Implementation of distance technologies of learning a foreign language as a condition of innovation of the educational strategies of a university

SL Suvorova, TV Khilchenko - Вестник Южно-Уральского …, 2021 - cyberleninka.ru
… nologies, which have entered the higher school to a … potential for teaching a foreign language
in higher education … a genuine foreign language environment in order to form and improve …

[PDF][PDF] Distance education and languages

B Holmberg, M Shelley, C White - Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2005 - 123library.org
… teaching and learning foreign languages at a distance, such … from institutions where teaching
languages at a distance is at … and educational requirements and higher education systems …

Distance education and foreign languages

RD Lambert - The Annals of the American Academy of …, 1991 - journals.sagepub.com
from very limited demand in business for foreign language … )foreign language education
in the school and college system… For instance, one federal program alone, Higher Education

Distance learning of a foreign language-necessity or future

N Kolyada, L Shapovalova, Y Guz, A Melkonyan - 2021 - covid19.neicon.ru
Based on the experience of working in the form of distance … for students and teachers, school
teachers. Gradually, separate … Specialists in higher education institutions in Spain and other

LMS Moodle: Distance international education in cooperation of higher education institutions of different countries

N Kerimbayev, J Kultan, S Abdykarimova… - Education and …, 2017 - Springer
between ‘e-learning’ and ‘distance education’ accounts for much of the misunderstanding
of the ICT roles in higher education, and for the wide gap between … of the ICT on educational

Control in the process of foreign languages distance training in a non-linguistic higher education institution

OG Kuprina - Научный результат. Педагогика и психология …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
… , up-to-date teaching forms and methods in the education sphere should be systematic rather
… the process of e-learning foreign languages at a nonlinguistic higher education institution. …

Approaches to foreign languages distance learning: how to establish dialogue of cultures

GA Dugina, GA Dugina - European Proceedings of …, 2020 - europeanproceedings.com
… who study Russian as a foreign language, particularly those fromdistance education
possibilities for FLT purposes in the context of a dialogue of cultures in higher education institutions