International principles of effective and efficient system of state regulation of food safety
T Prilipko, L Rusnak, N Bukalova - 2024 -
T Prilipko, L Rusnak, N Bukalova
2024• is rich in natural resources, which creates reliable foundations for the development
of the potential of the agricultural sector. However, despite the availability of resources, the
production indicators of this industry remain quite low. Currently, the Ukrainian system of
state regulation of food safety does not meet the requirements of the WTO, and most
countries of the world do not recognize it. The use of outdated regulatory tools significantly
undermines Ukraine's export potential, reduces the competitiveness of its agriculture and …
of the potential of the agricultural sector. However, despite the availability of resources, the
production indicators of this industry remain quite low. Currently, the Ukrainian system of
state regulation of food safety does not meet the requirements of the WTO, and most
countries of the world do not recognize it. The use of outdated regulatory tools significantly
undermines Ukraine's export potential, reduces the competitiveness of its agriculture and …
Ukraine is rich in natural resources, which creates reliable foundations for the development of the potential of the agricultural sector. However, despite the availability of resources, the production indicators of this industry remain quite low. Currently, the Ukrainian system of state regulation of food safety does not meet the requirements of the WTO, and most countries of the world do not recognize it. The use of outdated regulatory tools significantly undermines Ukraine's export potential, reduces the competitiveness of its agriculture and food industry. The experience of other countries shows that the required level of food safety can be achieved without the use of rigid restrictive administrative processes that negatively affect the competitiveness of the private sector and create costly barriers to trade. The management of food safety, which used to be limited to the control of finished products (now this function is entrusted to the state), now consists in the implementation of a number of precautionary measures at various stages of the supply of food products. EU legislation applies risk analysis to more effectively control the safety of food products, while at the same time taking care of the protection of life, health and interests of consumers (including the use of fair practices in the food trade), health protection and ensuring proper conditions of animal husbandry, plant health and environmental protection.EU members are working on or have already established single bodies or integrated food control systems covering all stages of the production process from farm to fork - from farm to retail. The EU's approach to food safety control is based on risk assessment and involves mainly general "horizontal" legislation regulating common aspects of food, such as food additives, labeling and hygiene, and, where appropriate, partly "vertical" legislation that concerns only certain products, for example, such as milk, meat and poultry products. Under this procedure, requirements are established only to the extent necessary to ensure safety. As a result, greater efficiency in terms of expenses and greater "friendliness" to enterprises.
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