Methodological issues in distance educational research

DO Coldeway - American Journal of Distance Education, 1988 - Taylor & Francis
A review of research in distance education is not an easy task. It is, however, becoming a
more manageable task, as the precision of research and the sophistication of research design …

[PDF][PDF] Teaching Methodology of Physics

A Svedružić - Metodika, 2008 -
… Since experimental groups applied different methodological approaches while conducting
demonstration, for the purpose of this research the time spent on each of the activities (…

[PDF][PDF] About conceptual and methodological approaches in remote laboratory

C Kuncser, S Antohe - Romanian Reports in Physics, 2014 -
… cases (eg education at distance) even impossible… methodological approaches related to
the Remote Laboratory tool as well as with the presentation of some applications of the Remote

Blended learning of physics in the context of the professional development of teachers

LA Krasnova, VY Shurygin - International Journal of …, 2020 -
… some of the elements of distancephysics teachers. Further research can be a more detailed
insight into the efficiency of some course units tied with the methodology of teaching physics

Methodological aspects of preparation of educational content on the basis of distance education platforms

AF Tarasov, IA Getman, SS Turlakova, II Stashkevych… - 2020 -
… both on the Internet and in specialized applications and distance education platforms,
methodical aspects of the preparation of educational content on the basis of such platforms. …

Methodology of physics

M Grodzicki - … Introduction to the Methodology and Aims of Physics, 2021 - Springer
distance, since the distance between two real bodies cannot be precisely defined due to their
finite extent. A definition such as “distance = distance … itself, and a distance defined in such …

[PDF][PDF] Methodological Support for Educators: recurrent professional development perspectives in the aspect of distance learning

AV Molokova, NE Bulankina - Pedagogical Image, 2020 -
… on acquaintance with the popular distance education platform “Yaklass/… teachers, 25
primary school teachers, 84 chemistry and biology teachers, 31 geography teachers, 27 physics

Phenomenon of Education: Philosophical and Methodological Aspects of Research

YV Kryanev, TP Pavlova, DA Kvon - Revista Amazonia Investiga, 2021 -
… were focused only on such disciplines as mathematics, logic, and theoretical physics. …
switched to remote mode of operation. This required a new methodology for conducting the …

A methodological pattern for creation of e-tests and its application in teaching physics

Z Raykova, M Atanasova, S Hadzhikoleva… - ICERI2019 …, 2019 -
… training of teachers. The article presents a methodological pattern for creating e-tests in
physics… The model of tests is structured according to the basic structural elements of physical …

[PDF][PDF] Methodology for the management of learning objects in the Physics discipline.

Y Collazo Martínez… - Mendive-Revista de …, 2023 -
… the technology group, six were selected out of 10, as they were the ones who were actively
developing actions on educational technology issues from the training of distance education. …