Customer Loyalty Management in Hotel and Restaurant Establishments in the Face of New Challenges

OV Zhehus, OV Illiashenko - Проблемы экономики (Харьков), 2020 -
… help hotel and restaurant establishments to survive, … management is the assessment of
customer loyalty and finding solutions to increase it. In order to further develop theoretical aspects

Consumer loyalty in the restaurant industry: A preliminary exploration of the issues

MA Clark, RC Wood - British Food Journal, 1999 -
establishment quoted in relation to customer loyalty) were the key determinants of restaurant
choice/customer loyalty … finding: indeed it is a central tenet of behavioural marketing theory. …

Customer loyalty in the fast food restaurants of Bangladesh

MB Uddin - British Food Journal, 2019 -
… of customer and customer loyalty in the fast food restaurant industry. A theoretical model, …
environment and ensure the required facilities that make the customer high perceived value, …

Emotional bonding and restaurant loyalty

AS Mattila - Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration …, 2001 -
customers—even if those once-in-awhile customers are satisfied. As a result, the introduction
of loyalty programs … aimed at luring customers to dine more often at a given restaurant. For …

How reputation creates loyalty in the restaurant sector

KC Chang - … Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2013 -
Theoretical background and hypotheses Conceptual framework We develop a research …
our understanding of the customer characteristics of the chosen restaurants in the current study. …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of factors affecting customer loyalty in the restaurant industry

M Haghighi, A Dorosti, A Rahnama… - … of business management, 2012 - Citeseer
… Organizations and institutions that are successful in gaining customer loyalty have a major
… if the relationships between latent attributes extracted theoretically are confirmed by the data …

Hotel business: customer loyalty management

A Kuzubov, A Maksimenko - E3S Web of Conferences, 2022 -
… of theoretical approaches and methodology for managing customer loyalty in hotel and
restaurant establishments … relevant aspects of the customer loyalty management methodology, its …

[PDF][PDF] Critical review of service quality scales with a focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty in restaurants

A Uslu, R Eren - Deturope-the Central European Journal of Regional …, 2020 -
… between service quality, customer satisfaction (CS), and customer loyalty (CL) in restaurants.
It is … these establishments apart from the basic living spaces such as workplace, and home (…

Can sustainable restaurant practices enhance customer loyalty? The roles of value theory and environmental concerns

MJ Kim, CM Hall - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2020 - Elsevier
… in restaurant settings is favored by consumers. To examine such issues we aim to identify,
by applying value theory, whether sustainable restaurant practices increase diner loyalty. To …

The intricate relationships of consumers' loyalty and their perceptions of service quality, price and satisfaction in restaurant service

S Ahmed, A Al Asheq, E Ahmed, UY Chowdhury… - The TQM …, 2023 -
… 5.1 Theoretical implications The purpose of this study is to contribute theoretical value to
the consumer behavior literature by examining the direct and indirect effects of price fairness …